the piece I wrote after that last post lol sorry


Sunday, 12 March 2017


My character is taking a new path today. Does the phallic imagery have anything to do with it? Hmm clumsy foreshadowing

    Dosage, dosage, dosage. Amongst the many, many foods of phallic shape, carrots are the mildest. It takes the consumption of one million, four hundred seventeen thousand, eight hundred and fifteen average sized carrots to overdose on Vitamin A. Four hundred eighty bananas for potassium poisoning is a far more reasonable proposition, but the salt in hotdogs is toxic after eighty one. Salt, meat, fat, in human skin. Bananas have human hair, carrots a human nose. Without us, they're seed pods and gnarly roots. But hotdogs - it takes human ingenuity to create such a stupid, passive killer.

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