the piece I wrote after that last post lol sorry


Thursday, 9 November 2017

Day 9: Pressing softly

Had an interesting experience today where I really wanted to play the piano at Toby's house, but it's outside his Dad's office. I did anyway, but I definitely felt a lot more cautious than I normally do when starting an improvisation and don't think I ever escaped hearing things via osmosis through a busy man's ears. Resulted in musical choices I may not have otherwise made and a general hesitance in the ideas. Turned out more sweet than stressful, I think!

09 Accelerating Noise

This soundscape was made by having samples of looped noise from Ableton's operator accelerate so rhythms become pitches. Some cool sounds emerged!

Variations on The Apricot Tree III - Arabesque

Another time-consuming variation. I swear, the next one's going to be a four part harmonisation.