the piece I wrote after that last post lol sorry


Saturday, 10 November 2018

Buddha nature (Carnival of The Chinese Animals)

This sketch is part of the Buddha Nature theme.

It requires quarter tones and I still haven’t decided which notation style to use. So I’ve tried a couple in the above page: both the arrow on its own as well as a natural sign with attached arrow mean the same thing.

I personally prefer the former but the latter is more conventional. However I don’t like the accidental for 'quarter-tone flat' because it is a flat sign with an arrow pointing UP which is counterintuitive for a flat note. So I avoid it and I will use an enharmonic quarter tone accidental to replace it.  

off with the fairies scene 3

it needs a better title
any suggestions?

Score here

This is more of a guide than anything, the intention is to record and edit the heck out of this, so everything is liable to change.

Piano Concerto

Hey everyone :) Here’s a little snippet of a scherzo for piano and orchestra I did today. There’s more stuff I wrote but this is what I have that’s legible haha... I’ve always had difficulty writing fast pieces but this all came quite easily!
Piano 2 is orchestra