the piece I wrote after that last post lol sorry


Friday, 3 March 2017

Composer Fan Fiction - #1 Ravel

Sometimes, an author doesn't give you what you want. Sometimes, they do but not enough of it. Enter, Fan Fiction! Say you've been reading Twilight ever since it first came out (way before it was popular). You're hanging out for book four, waiting for Edward and Bella to finally get it on. They do! But... wow. Really, Stephanie? Is that all? Never fear, there are hundreds of fan fics offering you a chance to indulge in what you missed out on.

Now the above experience does not apply to me. However, I've started writing fan fiction about composers. These are not short stories about Mr Ravel my stern but sexy piano teacher. Rather I'm taking moments of his music I absolutely adore and fleshing them out so I can bathe in them for as long as I wish.

This moment comes from the divine Tombeau de Couperin. Who can forget this shivery moment from the third movement, Forlane? If for you, like me, those nine-eight-y gems went by a little too quickly, feel free to indulge in my fan fic.

Soup's too intense. Reduce it.

A musing on JK Rowling's great work.  For (so far) voice, left handed piano and 2 drum kits even though you could play it on one.  Sibelius midi audio here:

little phrases

I gave myself half an hour on a timer to write non-stop, and wrote some disconnected sentences. this is about half of it.

I'm going to go see daniil trifinov play some good piano tonight so maybe that will do an inspire of me to do a write of better


Das Wasser um mich ist warm, aber du würdest es kalt finden.
The water around me is warm, but you would find it cold.

Wo ich lebe, ist das Paradies.
Where I live is paradise.

Ein tausend Fische, Glitzersteinchen, Der tiefe Abgrund.
A thousand fishes, glittering stones, the deep abyss.

Leben umschließt mich, streichelt mich.
Life surrounds me, caresses me.

Hier wirst du einen ununterbrochen, traumlosen schlaf finden.
Here you will find uninvaded, dreamless sleep.