the piece I wrote after that last post lol sorry


Thursday, 2 November 2017

Day 2: Deconstructed Marais Demo

This is today's progress on Deconstructed Marais (working title... am I taking this culinary thing too far?)

Today I recorded myself playing Menuet 7 (sans double) from the 5th book of Marin Marais' Pièces de viole. Without repeats (there will be enough of those!)

I recorded it in mostly two-bar phrases then made them be one after the other pretty much as it would normally be played. In the repeat of the whole thing, I allowed more of a breath between each. For each clip, I measured the distance between it's very start and the very start of the next one. I replicated this distance each time. There are 6 takes in each track before it loops.

In the coming days, I will get this all ready for the Youtube loop situation. But for now, please enjoy this demo. I love that it has turned out so sparse, with increasingly pained bursts. One thing I plan to experiment with is having the continuo part looping constantly, miserably, underneath.

ps. Having that Double written there is making me want it! Maybe one out of the six can be the double equivalent of the two bar clip. Or maybe I just want it because it is in view and less is more.

02 Work in progress - Metric modulation through accelerando

Metric modulation between 3:2, 1:1 back to 3:2 through calculated accel and decelearando of tempi.


deep sea fishes

I'm writing some pieces about deep sea fishes.

This one is the outlier. The others will be big chamber ensemble pieces?? Maybe?? This one's a bloop-blart.

Here is a list of deep sea fishes.

Anotopterus: Daggertooth

Malacosteus: Stoplight Loosejaw

Alepisaurus ferox: Long Snouted Lancetfish/Cannibalfish

Dissostichus mawsoni: Antarctic Toothfish

Evermannellidae: Sabertooth Fish


Madrigal: Ladybird, Ladybird!

The first of probably a couple madrigals for voice octet. This one's verging on impossible, so SongCo expect my email soon lol

The recording uses a harpsichord sample, for obvious reasons


Title got cut off - november prelude. Just some piano notes. MoM makes you make decisions! Great way to start the day.