the piece I wrote after that last post lol sorry


Saturday, 4 March 2017

Renoir Response #2 - Sleeping Girl with Cat

My image for today was this one:

Here my first go at a score:

Some instructions:
- Start at the treble clef
- End when you wish
- Repeat each cell as many times as you wish

Taking these instructions into account, how intuitive do you guys think the scoring is?

I'm thinking of building a Max Patch that could play through this with the given rules. Might be a two-day project.

Feed Me

Hi everyone.  Feed me.  After the the part when the vocals come in, the whole of what you have just heard is repeated.  Listen here:

Intermezzo: Paradies

This one is not nearly long enough to express the idea I began with, so I'm going to split it here and continue tomorrow. It's been a lot of fun following this particular train of thought, but I think tomorrow will see the end of it, but also a new beginning.
Does anyone have any fav German words? So long as they're mildly aquatic I'll work them into tomorrow's...